Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences and Judgments!

Let me know some similarities, Differences and judgments about me. I'd be grateful to hear your input, thank you!


  1. I love to tell you some of our similarities, differences and judgments! Well, first off a similarity is that we are both strong women trying to show off our talents and show the guys who's boss! We also are both very passionate about what we how you put so much into your hats just like I put so much into my acting!
    Some differences are that our arts are completely different! You create art and I make art come alive! But trust me we are both great at our field of art and even thought we are different in many ways, we share many of the same problems most women in this era face.
    Keep your head up high, and NEVER give up!

  2. We are strong women who live in a society full of men who do not acknowlege our artisitic genius. I could never afford your hats but i've always admired them. You are very cultured and full of fancy clothes while I am a plain widdow and mother.

  3. Similarities: We both came from poor families in the beginning, and grew up to have fame.
    Differences: You are a female fashion designer while I am a male composer.
    Judgements: You did a good job with your interview and artifacts. Providing videos for other people to watch is entertaining and helps them to understand what you are saying.

  4. Oh my goodness! Your designs are exquisite! I actually am from France as well and got inspired and influenced by the royalty! Although, I haven't had much experience with fashion besides during ballets with all the costumes, I greatly appreciate the work you have done!

  5. Hello, I am a female play write and I noticed that you are a fashion designer and after reading your interview I can say that you are a very talented artist! You and I are similar in the field of knowing people of high regard. You knew Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, and I worked for King Charles II. Your designs should be all over the world in every boutique and store front around!

  6. Well hello there Rose! First off I have to compliment you on the beautiful designs you creat! I think a similarity that we have is we both make art; You create art with sewing needles and what not and i create art with my body and my physical abilities. Our differences are that you are a fashion designer and I am a fantastico dancer! Well I must be going now so addio!

  7. Ciao, signorina Bertin! Even though our lines of work are not very related, it is evident that you are appassionato about your work, and that the garments you have created are undeniably works of art. I commend you for your forza in times of trouble, especially when one lives in Francia during this momento di follia!

  8. Bonjour! i greatly appreciate your feedback, this is what makes me believe my work is truly special and i was meant to do this. Thank you! You all deserve just as much love as you are giving.
